Wednesday, September 24, 2014

SUNSHINE ON A RAINY DAY (or some jokes your pick)


If anyone here is sad or mad I will change that right now. Here are some jokes for you and only you.

 Why did the invisible man turn down a job offer?  He could not see himself doing it.
 Why did Jimmy's parents scream when they saw his grades?  Because there was a bee on his report card.
 Why did the credit card go to jail?  Because it was guilty of charge.
 What do you call a liar on the phone?  A telephony.
 When does the rode get angry?  When someone crosses it.
 What language does a billboard speak?  Sign language.
 Why did the man put his money in the freezer?  He wanted some cold hard cash.
 What kind of makeup do pirate girls wear?  Ship gloss.
All of these jokes came from a joke book called..... THE BIG BOOK OF LAUGH OUT LOUD JOKES FOR KIDS. If you want more jokes check out the book. If you are still mad or sad then try praying to god. Here is a prayer you could try......

Dear God

I don't know what is the matter with me? If you do please tell me. I would love it if you could help change my heart.

If that doesn't work talk to a trusted adult.

God Bless!


  1. Funny jokes,

    I tagged you over at

    Have fun doing the tag,

  2. You got tagged - for a different tag this time over on my blog

    - Ines |

  3. please check out my blog and comment!

  4. I meant this
